Welcome to After School University


It's a pleasure to meet you!

I’m Maria Feekes - the founder of After School University, mom to three kids, entrepreneur, and a community leader who’s passionate about helping children become unstoppable.

My core philosophy of education is:

Our kids are too bright to waste their time.

This is probably the most important thing we can each take to heart regarding our children’s personal development and achievements. Our role as parents, educators, leaders, and influencers is to create an environment where our kids live an empowered, limitless life.

When we get this right, results follow.

" We love the service we receive from After School University, both inside the classroom and out, and are grateful beyond measure for the way we have been able to meet our boys’ accelerated academic needs in a progressive and proactive way.  Beyond the academics, the caring that everyone at After School has shown us and our kids is invaluable – we really do feel like we matter."

Patrick Hoeffel

"Prior to starting After School University, our child was falling behind in English. What After School University offers is much more than typical tutoring. This program has helped our child exceed her grade level in a very short time. And what’s more, she gained the confidence she had been lacking, thanks to the great teachers and programs at After School University."


"Wanted to let you know that our son came bouncing up at 5:30 am this morning and told us he got a 1470 on his SAT. What a wonderful Christmas gift. He'll receive the full academic money! Thanks so much for your amazing work and professional help to take him to the next level. Couldn't have done it without you!"

Christine McIntyre

"Joseph is blessed with a love of learning and greater potential than millions of others, and he and I see this program as a way to help him meet his potential and enjoy it too! I am very serious when I say that I could tell Joseph was heading towards a crisis before joining After School University."

Sandra Hanna

One of the Biggest Questions I Get is "What Does Being Unstoppable Look Like in the 21st Century?"


Marva Collins, an amazing educator who has helped many children achieve extraordinary results said: “The school will not do anything for our kids if they do not wish to do something for themselves.”


Here’s what we need to focus on TODAY to help our kids be unstoppable and to maximize every moment of their learning:

  • Surround kids with people who believe endlessly in them
  • Be intentional about developing success skills
  • Teach kids HOW to think
  • Bridge the gap between knowing and applying
  • Build the strongest academic foundation
  • Expand opportunities and a fertile field of possibilities


This is exactly what After School University does for your child!

After School University

Individualized education experience, online and onsite tutoring, test preparation, leadership training, and teacher development to expand your child’s opportunities for a lifetime!


My After School University Story

In August 2017, I attended my first International Maxwell Conference in Orlando, Florida to complete my certification as a John Maxwell speaker, coach, and trainer. I was 39 years old, the owner of a thriving education company, the head of operations for a non-profit K-12 organization, and a prominent member of the Colorado Workforce Development boards. Things were going well. We’d recently expanded our programs in three new states, increased our reach to more than 20,000 students, and launched on-line tutoring services.

My first session blew me away. Paul Martinelli, the President, shared how he, a high-school drop out,  generated over a quarter a billion dollars in revenue, and trained more leaders than anyone else in the world.


On my Flight Back to Colorado, a Question Came up that Would Change my Outlook and my Life


“Where do I want to see my kids 10-15 years from now, and what key factors will lead to their success?”

It was shocking.

My company, After School University, had students outperforming peers in ACT/SAT tests, in the toughest subjects, helped many to jump one-two grades ahead, skip years in college, and gain acceptance into Ivy League schools. 

Listening to Paul and the other highly successful speakers challenged my belief system. I realized there are key factors that unite all successful people. Academic achievements and top universities were far from being the common denominator.


After School University Was Created out of Desperation and Determination to Help My Daughter who was Failing in School and Loosing Her Confidence


In October of 2010, when my oldest daughter was failing in school and her confidence was plummeting, I started my own education company out of desperation and determination to help her and all kids falling through the cracks of the education system (on both sides of the curve).

An immediate philosophy became to surround kids with people who endlessly believe in them and build the strongest academic foundation to propel kids forward.

Dr. Anatoliy Glushchenko, a brilliant educator, innovator and world-renowned physicist had recently joined the team. His deep knowledge about the significant gaps in the way math and science are taught in the United States compared to Europe and Asia, led to the creation of a new, amazing K-12 math and science program and became a cornerstone of our STEM education.

Our students’ academic results, critical thinking, and confidence skyrocketed.
Now the question was, "How can we maximize the value we bring?"


The Story Behind the Story:


I grew up in communist Russia, where opportunities were very limited. It didn’t matter how smart and amazing you were. If you didn’t belong to a party or an elite group of people with the “right” connections, your future was limited. I grew up thinking that having the best education at the best universities was the only guarantee for success.

When I came to America, I experienced what it means to be able to do and be what you put your mind to. As I learned English, I was surprised to continually hear the phrase: “In order to succeed, you have to be in the right place at the right time.” As if success is a function of luck and has nothing to do with you!

As I learned the statistics of depression and suicide at top universities, met so many people with prestigious degrees that didn’t translate to high results in life, watched people settle into jobs they hate, consulted Fortune 500 companies on accelerating team performance, I began to question my personal believes and assumptions. 


 Success Leaves Clues


The successful people in life are leaders who’ve mastered the art of unstoppable: they “think and grow rich,” know exactly what they want and are passionate about it, and value people and add value to people. They apply their uniqueness and strengths, master sales and communication skills, and are comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Don’t get me wrong - they still possess specialized skills in their areas of expertise. Many of them may not have been in universities or even finished school, but are self-learners. They excel at how to think rather than what to think, make small possible steps towards impossible, and act without hesitation.


The Biggest Advantage of Making an Investment in Your Child Through After School University’s Program


You'll see an immediate improvement in grades. You’ll also see rewards and improvement in their emotional attitude, personality and character. The biggest win though is that our program will increase your child’s capacity for good. The wider and deeper their foundation of personal growth is, the bigger their field of possibility is, and the more capacity they’ll have to excel beyond limits.

My team and I look forward to partnering with you in helping your children become unstoppable.


Maria Feekes
Think Big. Start Small. Act Now.

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